Wednesday, October 28, 2009

liquor and a karaoke machine

So my friend walks into my house today with the words, "I have liquor and a karaoke machine. What more do you need to be happy?" She looks at me expectantly. I had no argument, obviously.

This is day two? Three? Of having this blog. What do people write in blogs? What is the point of having a blog? I suppose I could write angsty poetry about blood and being misunderstood, but I'd hate to be predictable. Because there is that stigma, isn't there? That blogs are for the undeservedly angsty (and those who cannot be bothered to capitalize "I" - ever notice that?). I mentioned to someone that I had acquired a blog and he began to back away slowly. I think this is because of the blog reputation.

And yet, out of the many blogs I follow (no, I will not publicly admit this number, are you serious), none of them constantly whine or complain. In fact, most of them seem like they're written by pretty happy individuals. I mean, sure, we all have problems and need to vent occasionally, sometimes using the words "blood" and "shattered", but I will not do that here. That doesn't solve the problem about what I *will* write about, but I do promise to keep the angst to a minimum.

After all, I have liquor and a karaoke machine.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

on words

I want a place to put some words, so I’ve decided to claim a corner of the internet for myself in the form of a blog. Some of my thoughts on words: Words are important enough in the real world, but online, they are more important still, because they’re all you have.

I have named my blog ‘Fallen Labyrinth’ for two reasons: 1) These are my two favourite words in the English language. Fallen. Labyrinth. I like them better than ‘cellar door’ (and, strangely, even better than ‘open bar’). 2) Together, they sound almost hopeful, like looking at a puzzle from a different angle. I think they are delightfully whimsical.

By now you’ve gathered that I spend time thinking about individual words like a crazy person would, but they’re often good clumped together as well. I love stories, both written and read, and I’ve been trying to learn the words for years.*

So if you like my words here, please share some of your own. I would love some new ones.

* Obscure reference to a story by Maya. Learning the words means knowing what to say to the person you love.