Tuesday, October 27, 2009

on words

I want a place to put some words, so I’ve decided to claim a corner of the internet for myself in the form of a blog. Some of my thoughts on words: Words are important enough in the real world, but online, they are more important still, because they’re all you have.

I have named my blog ‘Fallen Labyrinth’ for two reasons: 1) These are my two favourite words in the English language. Fallen. Labyrinth. I like them better than ‘cellar door’ (and, strangely, even better than ‘open bar’). 2) Together, they sound almost hopeful, like looking at a puzzle from a different angle. I think they are delightfully whimsical.

By now you’ve gathered that I spend time thinking about individual words like a crazy person would, but they’re often good clumped together as well. I love stories, both written and read, and I’ve been trying to learn the words for years.*

So if you like my words here, please share some of your own. I would love some new ones.

* Obscure reference to a story by Maya. Learning the words means knowing what to say to the person you love.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, what have you done! :D I love it. Welcome to the ether.
